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Marques Coley, Writer
Detroit, MI
My name is Marques, I was born in Carlsbad, California. I am the oldest of four children. I always knew was different, just didn't know how or what. I began my journey of self-discovery at such a young age, I didn't come to terms with it until my early 20s after leaving a relationship that should have never started. I have begun my journey of writing at 14, I met my eight grade English teacher. She had taught me the ways of different styles. My writing took off. I began to write my feelings: my secrets would pour onto the page, and I began to feel safe. "Adding color to a black and white world"
Marques Coley, 2023
Being THAT Kid, 2022

Being THAT Kid is a coming out story, it's MY coming out story. It's where I share my secrets, my truth. My story began to write itself. At the age 14, I learned about self expression and by 16 I began to write my thoughts, my pleas and my dark secrets. I was afraid of what the people in my world would think of me. At the age 21, I had enough time of hiding. My story may sound like everybody else's story but there's a difference. This is MY story, it may sound very taboo talk, maybe this story be a conversational piece, so let's talk about it...

Being THAT Kid, Marques Coley, 2023
Marques Coley, 2023
Marques Coley, 2024